a hat and my new job

I started my new job this week, and it’s going very well!  Thank you all for your encouragement and kind words last week when I was so nervous.  I’m still a little nervous because there are still so many things to learn, but the people I work with are great and I’ve enjoyed my days there so far.

My needles have been busy but I can’t share everything yet — I’ve finished some Christmas presents but the intended recipients might just visit my blog here!  My dad probably won’t, though, so I’ll chance showing you his Christmas present:

gsb2It’s a very stretchy hat knit on US size 10 needles with chunky yarn (I used Berroco VIntage Chunky).  The pattern is called Giftie Slouchie Beanie and it is free.


It looks good on men and women, and I’m in the process of making a green one as well (but I’m not sure who that’ll go to).

My Mom’s Christmas present is finished but I can’t share it yet because she might see it here.  I’ve also started a project that’s sort of a secret — it involves a big yarn review at the end!  So basically I have a few WIPs, none of which are the Christmas ornaments I told myself I’d make to give as gifts…

Just as a reminder, the drawing for the giveaway will take place on the 25th — that’s only 5 more days!  Don’t forget to enter!



  1. Beautiful hat! You’re very talented.


  2. Just lovely!!!


  3. Glad the job is going OK. The first couple of weeks are always the worst in a new job.


  4. Love this hat, the cabling looks really complicated but so effective.


  5. Congratulations on your job! Love the hat!


  6. What a beautiful hat. I just found your blog through Little room of Rachell and I’ll for sure come back..


  7. Donna McNamara says:

    How do you get the free pattern???


  8. How can I download the free pattern for the pictured pattern please



  1. […] designed by Tanis Gray is available free on Ravelry.  I first saw the hat on Hannah’s Not Your Average Crochet blog.  Mine has a mistake or so well, technically it’s got many more than one or two I […]


  2. […] here.  You can’t really recognize it in this photo but it’s the same hat pattern as one I’ve already made.  The beard is just attached to the hat with safety pins, so it can be removed and attached to […]


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