crochet clamshell blanket: blocking

The blanket is not as big as I’d planned, but it’s big enough, and it will be augmented by the border.  I’ll get to that when this has dried.

crochet clamshell blanket blockingIt looks a bit dark, both because this photo was taken at night and because it’s wet.

Each color was used 5 times, and the tails were woven in by crocheting over them as I went along (see this page for more details on how to do that).



  1. Hi..nice colors…how much yarn was used? Thanks 

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  2. nicolaknits says:

    Looks great. I look forward to seeing what border you add. You’re very conscientious – I never block blankets until they get finished and tossed in the washer and dryer!


    • Thank you! I don’t usually block before completion but this is a gift for someone, so I wanted to make sure the border wouldn’t be too tight or something. 🙂


  3. Your blanket turned out wonderful! Love the clamshells.


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