3 new textured stitch tutorials up!

I asked, you told me, I listened!  Here are new tutorials for the bobble stitch, the popcorn stitch, and the puff stitch!

bobble stitch

bobble stitch

popcorn stitch

popcorn stitch

puff stitch

puff stitch

I’ve got two more textured stitches that I am going to make tutorials for, as well: the bullion stitch and the cluster stitch.  Hopefully I’ll get those photographed and written out soon, but I must say it might be a few days.  I’ve got a really long take-home test to do, some studying for a national counselor certification exam, and I’m hanging with my mom tomorrow and having a dim sum day on Sunday.  Of course, it may be tomorrow, or even later tonight — you know how I love to procrastinate and do yarny things instead!  After the next two textured stitches, I do have more stitch ideas to add, as well.

I also realized that some of my knitting tutorials had somehow gotten their pictures all mixed/messed up (probably when I merged my knitting blog with this one), and I’ve fixed those.  I apologize if you’ve looked and been confused — they should make much more sense now!

Thank you for letting me know what you wanted to see!  I enjoy making these tutorials.  Also, thanks for stopping by, and let me know if you have any questions or things I need to fix!


  1. loulou downtown says:

    Those are great! So cool to learn these stitches in such a nice clear way. Thank you.



  2. So good that you listened. I love the tuts and look forward to more. You are very good at instruction


  3. These pics and tutorials are great, but methinks you are avoiding work….!!! Now go do that test 🙂


  4. The tutorials look great 🙂 I’ve never had a go at any of these so maybe now’s the time!


  5. Very clear words & pictures, well done!
    Might be useful for beginners to state that it’s in USA terms and maybe (if you’re feeling really kind) to put the UK equivalents at the top of each tute?


  6. Those all look great! Good luck studying for the NCE!


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