progress: chevron blanket

It’s been hard to do much crafting lately.  I’ve been really busy with other important life stuff.  Some progress has been made on the king size chevron blanket though:


I know it’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.


Don’t know why I’m in such a crafting slump.  I just don’t feel like doing anything.  I’ll think ‘oh, it would be nice to work on that blanket or that shawl,’ but then I just… don’t.

Bleh.  Do you get in really long phases like this too?


  1. Bernadette says:

    Es I do, so it’s best to go out and do something else. And then you’ll get back into the crochet mood.


  2. I do get in slumps, especially with big projects and summer heat. That is what small projects or just walking away from crafting for a little bit is for. 🙂 It always comes back though.


  3. Love the chevron blanket – and your photos. Don’t beat yourself up about lack of progress. I think we all get times like that, and crochet is supposed to be a pleasure, not a chore!


  4. Melinda says:

    Yes, I get into a slump very often, the only thing to do is ride it lout!!!


  5. Sheonagh says:

    Beautiful blanket in the making.
    The same happens to me from time to time. Sometimes I put it away and start a fresh (quick results) project then go back to it. I also find that just picking the work up, lying it out and sorting the wool helps. Before you know it you are doing another row. Your’s is a long term project so maybe it would be good to do a few wee ones in between. I do mine watching TV so not so boring.


  6. How are your chevrons so pointy? I’ve just finished a chevron blanket, but it looks more like a wave blanket to me, they’re not as pointy as I hoped they would be.


  7. Sandy Redenbaugh says:

    Yes, happens a lot, with work and family to put first. When I get in a major slump I go online and look at crocheted items and yarn. For some reason that gets me back in the mood.


  8. Michelle says:

    If you’ve got lots of distractions it’s best to leave the project. I forced myself to do some & made a big mistake with a simple pattern but yarn that’s difficult to pull out. I made the decision to leave the mistake & keep going but I’m still too terrified to do anything other than the simplest things because I know I don’t have the concentration. Whilst pregnant I didn’t feel like doing any craft whatsoever. Was reading a book on creativity & the author said at times like that your creativity is going into other things. It’s hard though if your craft is your outlet. Maybe we should make washcloths!


  9. your work is beautiful. Everyone goes thru phases when the creative mo-jo. I was in a major funk for a long time, It comes back!


  10. Beautiful work. Thanks for sharing



  1. […] a little update post on what I’m primarily working on now.  I have occasionally picked up my king-size chevron crochet blanket but I’ve been really excited about a knitting kit that the nice people at We Are Knitters […]


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