knitCompanion app review

Even though I did a post about crafty apps relatively recently, I had to share this one immediately.  It’s called knitCompanion, and the basic version is free!


You can import PDFs from various sources, keep track of multiple patterns at once, and make a variety of annotations.  You can cut out unnecessary pages, paste multiple pages of charts together to make one large chart, set up an interactive chart and legend/key, and so much more.  Here’s how I’ve been using it:


The highlighted row marks the row I’m currently on, and I’ve set alternate rows to be different shades of yellow to denote right side and wrong side (which I did in the legend as well, as you can see).  The blue-green line is where I inserted a lifeline in case I have to rip back.

The amazing thing is that this is only a small amount of the things you can do with just the charts alone!  For all of these features, however, you have to pay about $11 yearly.  I think it’s worth it though, because it’s really keeping me from getting lost in this difficult knitting pattern!

I hope this was useful to you — if you’ve got this app or if you plan on getting it, let me know what you think.  Now they just need to make a crochet version!



  1. Would like one for crochet. Would be easy way to keep track of patterns and stitches.


  2. Kim Clinger says:

    I’m downloading it now – it’s a huge program – over 100 mgb. But I have a feeling it will be worth the space it’s taking. 🙂


  3. When I hear the word “app”, I am immediately turned off. I guess I am too old school and prefer an actual pattern in my hand and pencil and paper or a knit counter to mark my rows. Not sure I will ever get into the app thing, but if I do, I will keep this one in mind. I am glad it works for you.


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